Saturday, August 30, 2008
Hogs and Indians
I must preclude any written words on this subject by stating that I lose sleep over my developing blogs. There's an idea button in my brain. The reason I know this is every time I lay my head on my pillow at bedtime, my idea button lights up. Any inkling of a sparce of thought of blogging will appear in the forefront and is activated. Unfortunately, there is no off switch for me to toggle one way or the other. This is very annoying because for years I lost sleep when I woke straight up and couldn't go back to sleep then I'd get up for an hour, drink coffee or cocoa, then go back to bed for an hour - this was pre-bloggin days. I'd like to say this is because I am creative and my brain is always on high alert, but I don't buy into that. So, to solve the problem, I may start a blog and that may satisfy my blogging part of my brain so I can have a peaceful noninterrupted rest.
Have a great Saturday. Will be back after my Saturday chores are complete, and we get back from taking granddaughter shopping at Kohl's as promised.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Letters from a Soldier
I met my husband at a dance at an Air Force base. At that time, our fair city of Las Vegas had few things for a young person to do. I certainly didn't want to hang around a casino, this was in the early 60s when the strip and Fremont St. looked very different and was almost 90% smaller than it is today. I started going to a dance which was held at Nellis Air Force Base when I got off work at the telephone company. I had a pretty good single life. I lived at home, drove a beautiful Thunderbird, and was a supervisor - not bad for a 19 year old. The dances on the base were great and the only place in town where you would feel safe. One evening as usual I met with my friends and we were all chatting before going into the dance area and I noticed an extremely handsome guy walk in the door and pass our group. He did catch my eye, but I didn't catch his. That's okay, I had lots of friends, didn't matter to me........then. We went in and grabbed a table when lo and behold, this handsome guy came up to the table and said it was his table, but I could sit there if I danced with him. I did, and we danced all night. I'll skip all the inbetween stuff and tell that in another post. I will say when the evening ended, I thought it was more than a regular meeting and looked forward to hearing from him again. There were no calls the next day, or the following day, so I just went on about my business and regular routine. No sweat, I had lots of friends.
A letter from a soldier came later in the week. The stamp was an 8 cent red air mail stamp pasted upside down in the corner, the address was from A/1 Robert P. Sullivan, sent from Travis Air Force Base, near San Francisco, California. Can you imagine how I felt, thinking I would never hear from him again. I was shocked at receiving the letter but what was written inside was even a bigger shocked. As the letter began, he mentioned all the niceities and what he had been doing. Then he said he was at the laundromate doing his laundry - - - ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?------- and, he wanted me to do his laundry for the rest of his life. Now what a proposal that was!!!!! If that wasn't an off the wall, totally unexpected, oddball proposal, I don't know what is!!!!! Well, guess what, I really got myself into a load of dirty clothes because I said I do!!!
There were more letters from my soldier that followed. There were also letters sent from my soldier after he had joined the Air National Guard after we were married later on in our life. I have letters postmarked from Savannah, Georgia; Fairbanks, Alaska; and some from Minnesota. He didn't travel too far after leaving the military so my soldiers letter came in the form of written love notes on scrapes of paper, left here and there for me to find.
I received another form of letter from a soldier and that was from our son Brian. He enlisted with the U. S. Army after he graduated from high school. His letters were captivating. He was a talker in person and that personality permeated his letters. He was terrific at expressing how he felt and writing about what he was doing. He wrote letters on typical notebook style paper and several sheets written front and back. There was a lot of reading when Brian wrote. He was personable in his writing and it felt as though he was talking directly to you. He expected a response also and if he hadn't heard back within a reasonable time, you would receive a disciplinary letter. I received long letters from South Carolina, Georgia, and several bases in Germany. The last base he was stationed was in Stuttgard, Germany. He loved being there and he loved serving in the Army. He was a gun-ho soldier and his letters were a priviledge to receive to hear about his spirit and dedication. His letters stopped in November of 1989, when we received the call that every parent never wants to receive. Brian had been injured in a non-combat accident on base. The story doesn't stop here about Brian's life, but Brian could never write a letter after that accident. I have every letter he wrote and sometimes will pick one up and read about that wonderful person's life that particular day. He was special, he was unique, he had a terrific laugh and a big zest for life. He was competitive and a softie. He was a very nice person. Brian died April of 2000.
It has been 40 years plus since I received my first soldier's letter. I lived in another part of Las Vegas then, today I live in Henderson. It is ironic I was thinking, how things have changed. I raised a grandson. He is a fine person. He is unique, talented and a really personable guy. He is competitive. After he graduated from high school, he enrolled in community college, but he wasn't stimulated enough to do what he needed to do to get it together, so he decided to join the military - the U. S. Army, and he mentioned once he thought of Brian in making his decision. So today, I receive soldier's letters from my grandson. You will be surprised to know I haven't received one written letter from our solder, Tom. Times have changed and we are now in the technology and electronic age. My letters and correspondence from my solder now comes in the form of emails, text messages and instant messages. Who would have thought? We all have computers in our home and Tom has his computer with him. He also has a camera on his computer and what fun we have when he puts on a show for us as we are instant messaging. It is the best of all worlds especially since he is stationed in Iraq. The change of communication are amazing.....I do continue to write or type a letter to Tom religiously every week, sending the Sunday comics or tidbits of news from the newspaper. I understand that our solders do like to receive letters from home - just to keep in touch.
My soldier's letters whether handwritten, typed, or emailed are precious in any form. I have waited impatiently to hear from each of my soldiers when they were away serving their country and especially today do I wait with worry since Tom is so far away and there are so many problems in the Middle East. Even though the only physical form of letter I have from Tom comes saved in the folder I have especially marked for his emails, each unique collection of words from each of my soldiers are treasures of gold.
Monday, August 25, 2008
First Day of School
The Olympics are over and the Democratic National Convention will actually begin tonight. It's difficult to realize that the convention's first event is tonight since most of the major news stations have been focused on this event even before today. If you are not interested in political news and just want the local news then good luck finding a TV news station that has anything but politics. You might even say "thank goodness for the remote control" so you can move back and forth between TV reports and commercials.
The Main Event at Grandma's House today which is even more important than the Olympics or the DNC is the little girl heads back to school - new grade, new teachers, new clothes, and a new look. She is very excited. She has grown a lot this summer. She grows more beautiful every day. I remember when she was born and each day since and I marvel at her and what a special unique young lady she is. Grandpa Bob will take her to school this morning and we have been told to take lots of pictures. Don't worry Kevin, the cameras are all charged up! Kev has to work today and I know he would much rather be here for his little girl's first day in second grade.
Our street is one of the main streets to the school so the traffic will be steady this morning and afternoon . The traffic has been relatively quiet through the summer but now with school starting again, the parents are in a rush to get their kiddies to school. They drive entirely too fast. I think one of these days I will take either my video camera or my blow dryer which resembles a radar gun and stand out in my front yard and point it at the street towards the traffic and take notice if it slows them down. There are a lot of children and parent walkers and bike riders too and I worry about them. I don't understand why parents with children aren't more conscious of the speed they drive when children are present.
She is off to school now. She looked so pretty in her new clothes and shoes. She was so nervous today. We had plenty of time. There are always last minute things little girls and big girls have to attend to when getting ready for special days. We have to have everything just so or our day just doesn't get off to a good start especially on our first day. I still cry when I see the kids go off on their first day. What an old softy I am! I thought about Tom going off to school, that seems like forever ago. And, I thought about the biggins going off to school when we lived on the farm, so long ago. First day of school is always a family's special day.
Grandpa's back and he said it was hectic! As usual for the first day, no one was sure where to go, but he held her hand all the way until he knew she was where she was suppose to be. It took some time to find the right class room but he stayed with her until the new teacher called her name. He joked with her trying to ease her nervousness and asked if he could go into the class and sit with her, but she shook her head no. We know she'll be fine. She has lots of friends.
It's always difficult the first day especially when you're only seven going on eight ---- or 64.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Working on it.........
Hope you're having a really nice day!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Are these the Dog Days of Summer?
I need to do some upgrading on my blog formatting. I don't know if the song that is playing is annoying to you - I am enjoying it for now. I do have another musical widget to put in its place. I am not sure how it will work, but we'll try it out. Let me know if you have any problems and how you like it. I want to put in a slide show of family photos too but I need to put that together on my google site.
Bob and I have been dieting - maybe I should call it a program instead, that's the term Weight Watcher's use. We are not attending the meetings but we are following the point system and we have bought Weight Watcher meals and the other brands too. We have a high fiber cereal with 2% milk for breakfast, in addition to drinking a lot of water throughout the day. I utilize the points calculator on the Weight Watchers website to keep track of my daily count. I find this a good tool for me and it is accurate as long as I put in the amounts correctly and don't fib. Bob is a good partner and I appreciate his support. We are swimming for at least an hour every day. Since Brian died in 2000, I became very lethargic. The reasons for that could be mourning his death or the fact I was wore out taking care of him for so many years. I've been on lots of different dieting programs and I know it really is a personal decision on what works for each person. You gotta do what you what works best for you.
I have enjoyed watching the two American female gymnasts (Johnson and Lunkin) and am very thankful they did well. As best friends they supported each other and shared in each other's successes. Tonight is the finals for the Women's Beach Volleyball game (Walsh and May). If you haven't seen these two women play, then you've really missed an event. They are awesome. The men's basketball team has been phenomenal to watch! I believe they have three more games to play to the finals. I have a huge problem staying awake since the Olympic games are on late in the evening. I sit up straight but Bob is afraid I will fall out of my chair sleeping. I don't want to miss a thing. We are not accustomed to staying up past 10. One evening we watched the Olympics then watched the Saddleback Form with Obama and McCann. It was after 1 AM when we finally turned the TV off. Our kids were in shock - actually so were we! The next morning I still woke up at 6.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope all is going well at your place. Take care.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
What has your mom told you about your Birth - Day?
I am curious however if your mom ever told you about the day you were born and what happened in the hospital and how the family reacted. My immediate family has gone on to Heaven (I am sure of that!) so I can't ask any questions today. What I remember my mom telling me about the day I was about to be born is very simple and it is about a parking spot. I was I think eight years younger than my brother, I know, I should remember that, but it was one of those issues and still is that I didn't hold on to, some dates just don't stick. Anyhow, I guess when mom was in labor with Sonny - that was the name I grew up calling him when I was little but when I got older I had to call him by his given name Nick. I don't know why they called him Sonny. He was funnier than heck and always kept me in stitches when he wasn't picking on me but I don't specifically remember him being a "sunny" sort of fellow. Anyhow, back to the story. It seems that my brother took a long time being born. Evidentally when Sonny's time had arrived and mom was in labor, dad rushed mom to the hospital only to have to wait for him to actually decide to be born. This was in the 1930s and I know they didn't have medication to help his birth along. So eight years later it was my turn to come into the world. Dad remembered how he rushed he was to get mom to the hospital and he had to wait so it wasn't going to happen like that again! I remember mom saying when she was in labor with me that dad's main intention was to find "a good parking spot" rather than rush her to admitting. Mom said she had to walk a long way and she was really in pain. Having had four children, I could visualize the experience and the struggle mom went through. I can hear her saying to dad "hurry up Nick" (Nick was my dad's name too - brother was Nick Jr.). My dad was a stubborn man and I don't think he realized just how close the time was getting for his bundle of joy to be plopped into this world. I remember mom saying something about an elevator and a wheelchair and that's all. Those events are all I know. Could I have been born on an elevator? Or in a wheelchair? Those thoughts would make my dreams complete and would explain a lot of my mentally. Just think about it - how would you like to be born in an elevator? Is that why I enjoy riding elevators? Or is it the music that puts me to sleep?
There you are and that's all I remember. I wish I had asked more questions and I wish I had written it down. I have experienced two of my grandchildrens birth in person and it is the MOST greatest, fantastic phenomena event of my life. Nothing will ever replace the experience of these events. I am blessed to have both these grandchildren close in my life now - one I raised, and the other lives with me now. As for my own four birth, each were as unique and diverse as anything in this world but that's for another time to be told.
Have you thought about your Birth-Day? If you have the opportunity, ask your mom or dad if they are still living. I know they would be thrilled to tell you about it. After all, without them, you wouldn't be reading my blog.
Have a great day - I know I will.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
To Blog, To Dust, or to watch Olympics
Did you see the USA Basketball team play this morning? FANTASTIC! They played Spain and it was expected to be a really tough game. The team from Spain was expected to give the USA a close score challenge. It didn't go that way at all!!!!! The final score was something like 101 to 72. It was a great game. I love college basketball. There are NBA players on the USA team but the Olympic rules are different than regular USA NBA games. Not sure when the next game is or who they play.
The gymnastics have been beautiful. The two American girls beat out China yesterday. Their performance was unbelievable. So good! The USA girls won a gold and silver medal.
I watched Badminton between two of China's favorites and now the rowing team is on - I don't think they call it rolling. I think the sport is so exciting. Don't know much about it though or who is winning. Waiting for Beach Volleyball to start. So I can dust and do laundry in the meantime.
It's a typical Saturday here. Hope you have a great weekend and get some relaxing in. My birthday is tomorrow - I'll be 64. I don't feel different. If wishes could really come true, I'd ask for better health and energy like I had in my early 50s. Gotta go with the flow and take things as they come. We're going to see Mamma Mia tomorrow, my choice. See ya!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Formatting Olympic photos
What is your favorite Olympic sport?




The USA men's team of Dalhausser and Rogers are certain good eye candy for this ole lady but that's not what draws me to their game - they are terrific!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Just one of those days
Heard from Tom today, he has arrived safely at Camp Taji, Iraq! Thank you Lord for his safe journey! He got back to base quicker than he came home. He had delays all along the way when he was headed back to the USA. He has eight months and some odd days to go until we see him again. I know we are fortunate since many other military personnel have had to be over there longer and more often.
As promised, I went downstairs to organize, pack boxes, move boxes and clean up the rooms. We are going to put the house up for sale next year. We have a finished "basement" which has become a collection center for boxes which are either filled or needs to be gone through and repacked or given away or thrown away. We've lived here in this house since 1993 and we've collected lots of stuff. So my goal for the next two weeks is to make headway and have at least two rooms looking better than they did when I started on Monday. A problem of delay happens when the next box I open is my memento box which contains stuff from the beginning of my marriage 44 years ago. "TIME OUT" and yes, I'll have to sort that stuff out to give to the kids for their kids to have. I found two teeth from Kevin that his grade school teacher had send home. He is now 36 years old. Each tooth was pasted on a paper. Alexandra, his daughter, will enjoy having her dad's teeth, oh no, how will I explain how I got the teeth from the tooth fairy! Oh, I'll come up with some explanation!
I'm getting the call from the man of the house. CSI is ON! Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a great evening.
Monday, August 11, 2008
He Came, He Saw, He Played, and now he's gone

I am tired today. The days of R & R were whirlwinds of events. Even the quiet moments were enhanced by Tom's "Wile E. Coyote" swift movements and speed when in an instant a creative thought could make an appearance and he would swiftly move to his predestined destination as he zipped from one room to another to fulfill his light bulb idea. I had my days of supreme energy a long time ago, but today I am only an observer of these molecules of power as they permeate our home space. With Tom around, there is no conservation of physical energy!
He had mentioned more than once since he's been home that he has eight months to go in Iraq and he said it will be the longest time he has been away from home. I suspect when he does come home next time, there will be many changes mainly maturity and prospective. He will turn 21 in a few weeks. A milestone in any person's life. Not many places for him to celebrate there, but I feel certain someone at Camp Taji will make his birthday a memorable day,that's just the way the comradery is with the soldiers. They are family.
Tom is the type of person who makes a difference on this earth. His footprints are firmly imprinted and once you've crossed his path you don't forget who he is. Without any effort, he pleasantly occupies his space in time. Laughter is his priority. He is the class clown and the bystander can't escaped without at least a smile. I miss his presence but I am very proud of his commitment to his country. I know he needs to be where he is now. We are all benefiting from his service and as well not forgetting the many thousands of other soldiers who protect us. This is a good experience for him too.
God bless you Tom and all our military, you're in our thoughts and prayers everyday. We love and miss you.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
John Edwards, Politician
I am a political addict. I talk to my TV and avoid discussions with others whose party affiliation differ from mine - only because I get so flustered I would lose the discussion with my first spoken opinion. I am basically conservative but once was a Democrat long time ago when times were different and our value system wasn't so accepting of anything goes. I believe in family values and helping our fellow man when appropriate with government programs but I also believe we need tax breaks for big business. They provide the jobs. There must be balance for our country to survive.
As of late we've heard of a lot of politicians who have committed the mortal sins of their position and have been chastised - rightfully so! But, I do feel we have an unequal playing field of who gets chastised and who gets away with it. Chris Dodd who has been a politician for a long time, took advantage of what and who he knew to get a low cost loan on his property. While we are pointing the finger at the Republicans who have committed the mortal sin, I have not heard one investigation on Dodd. Is this because he has a high profile position? I believe that what is good for one is good for all. The Housing Scandal has caused the other half of the problem with our economy today - why should someone like Dodd escape any punishment. Can it be realistically it probably all depends on which party is in power as far as the Congress is concerned. Maybe it depend on which News agency is doing the reporting or if it is being reported at all.
I am almost shocked at the news of John Edward's infidelity. I am sorry for his family and disappointed in him. I would not have voted for him but I had more expectations for the man. Do you get the impression as I do that they are always so sorry for what they did - - - after they are caught!!!
Olympic Opening Ceremony
Thursday, August 7, 2008
About Friends
I know this is a strange way of getting to the top of the list of special gifts from God, the special presents He sends to us in many packages. Tom and I had lunch with one special friend yesterday. I met Ann when I worked at Southwest Gas before Brian had his accident. I only worked at the gas company a few months. I quit my job to take care of Brian since as a result of the accident Brian was totally disabled.
Ann and

Thanks Ann for all you do.
Home from Iraq

Tom doesn't let grass grow under his feet. I've said that so many times since he's been home I should have a T-shirt made with those words imprinted on it. He has more friends than Carter has liver pills, I wonder if there is still a product called Carter's Little Liver Pills. I remember when I was a kid looking at the bottle of Carter's little Liver Pills - and thinking, they really were little, actually little white round pills. I have no clue what they were for and still don't today. There were a lot of pills in the small narrow round bottle so I guess that's where the "old saying" comes from because I've been saying that phrase since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Sorry, my mind does wonder, just ask my family.
Tom is a special person and I'm not just saying that because we raised him and he is our grandson. I do think it is really a special blessing when grandparents raise grandchildren. Tom's been through a lot in his young life, but he conquered his trials and corrected his errors earlier on and found who he was and has his groove going for a great life. He has a fresh innocent looking face and beyond those big brown eyes lurks a sense of humor and an oneriness that will spring into action in a split second. He is a clever sort of fellow, he will have you in his spell before you can say "whippersnapper!"
We have enjoyed having him home as we always do. He has taught me how to play new card games - hearts and poker. He has also become aware that just because Grandpa Bob is so quiet and he pretends he doesn't know how to play cards, Tom should be aware of and concerned for those who may be bluffing. Grandpa Bob won every hand much to Tom's astonishment. I enjoy playing games with the family, unfortunately we haven't done enough of it in our spare time. Tom has started a new tradition.
Tonight we are going bowling. This has been our tradition since Tom's been coming home on leave. We invite anyone who may want to join us - there is no serious competition and a lot of fun with hoop and hollering as is normal when bowling.
We've been to a couple of movies and there's still more to see. We've gone out to dinner and visited with some friends. It's always fun with Tom around and I will really miss him when he leaves. He brings something very special and unique to our home.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Taming a Retired Husband
Once the kids moved on to do their thing even though one or the other of them have never moved out or they moved back in but that stage in life changed the dynamics in the home when they reached that age of their own independence. I was a stay at home mom when they were small but once the kiddies reached the age of "flying the coop" I went to work full time and took college courses at night.
Even with the changes of the live bodies in and out of the house, the house has always been my domain. When I sat a lamp on a table, it stayed there through dust and polish. When I arranged flowers in a vase and sat them on the dinner table, they were there until long after the flower pedals fell. When I placed the coffee pot in a specific place that was easy to access it stayed there. Other than mother-in-law, no one else chose or dared to rearrange anything in my domain. It was all mine! I liked it that way!
I had no desire or even thought to venture into Bob, my husband's, workshop to rearrange anything. I knew where he kept the things I may need like an extention cord and after using it, I rolled it back up and put it back where I got it. The only thing, I couldn't wind it up like the guys do - you know, loop one loop inside of the other so it's hanging by loops which is pretty cool. I had respect for his environment and without another thought about it, that was the way it was, and still is.
I heard all the horror stories of men retiring. The stories were scary! I know some men disappeared completely to places like a golf course or tennis course for days on end, other husbands went hunting and fishing - the wives of these men were delighted. I thought there must be something wrong with these women. I love being with my husband and we have fun!!!! YEAH, RIGHT!!!!! What a wuss!!! Could I have been taking too many happy pills (no not really, but could my thyroid medication have been too strong?)
He's been retired almost three years. The lamp doesn't look the same, yes, he moved it. The coffee pot goes through a daily realignment - although I have to hand it to him, he does make the coffee everyday now and it's good! He does follow me around the house and asks "what are you doing?" "what are you eating?" "where are you going?" and the really best is when I am doing private stuff, he looks all over the house for me until he finds me in that private spot and says "oh, there you are!" - "is it time to eat?" Forget any continuity cleaning the house especially the kitchen even with a warning of "I'm washing the kitchen floor now" the ice machine works better when the floor is still wet.
The nice thing about his retirement is I do get to see his precious smile and handsome face most anytime of the day I want. He is available to open a jar of pickles which helps since as I have aged, I've lost strength. I use to be able to throw a bale of hay and move heavy rocks and kids and my 6 ft 4 disabled son in his bed, but no more. My husband is my strength and although there are days when he drives me out of my mind, I don't know what I would do without him.
He has a subtle sense of humor and is a good tease. We play hide and seek in our large home and we still tickle each other. He laughs at me when I am mad and it makes me more angrier but then I can't take it and have to giggle too. He helps me around the house and tries to cook too. I do have an issue with him when he misuses my good pots and pans, so rather than complain, I bought him his own.
I am enjoying this Retirement Heaven as we rock our life away with our youngins and next generation of youngins around us. I'll put up with sharing my domain just to have this time of my life with him beside me - till death do us part!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
New clothes for a new school year
So back to granddaughter and new clothes - I am hoping her mom will buy her new things to wear. She has good taste and granddaughter looks totally with it when she buys her stuff. Oh, son and the mom are divorced but son has custody. He is a wonderful father, but is so much like his father but even more stubborn just like my husband was at his age.
Oh, I know I should type their names - ok, next time I will. This is the day of the early surprise birthday dinner for my birthday, so I can't be here long. But, this clothes thing was on my mind and I'd like your opinion. New clothes for the new school year - or not?
Have a very lovely Sunday and God bless.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Summer heat and Leos
I have asked the man of the house for a new laptop, one of those small sizes that I can carry in my purse. I can't seem to go anywhere these days when I don't think of something I could check quickly if I had a laptop. Maybe the Blackberry would do, or if I had the internet thingie on my cell phone activated, but their screens are so small. Nah, I have the computer figured out with all the memory I could ask for in a laptop. I am not a diamond person, but I do like purses, shoes, jewelry and clothes, but computers and electronic stuff is my first desire. Crazy isn't it for a going on 64 year old to want another computer.
I was thinking the other day - does it sound goofy to say I am 63 and a half - like when we were kids we were 8 and a half and it didn't matter. The family won't be able to fit 64 candles on the cake and the candles would be burnt out before they got them lit anyhow, so I'll settle for the numbers 6 and 4, maybe someone will put them backwards. Forty-six was a good year, I had a lot of energy then and was pretty good looking. I'd have to think what I was doing then, so I'll get back to you on that.
Since Tom is here and will be going back to Iraq in a week or so, daughter Suz requested in secret that we celebrate my birthday this Sunday - or course it's a secret, but husband Bob has trouble with secrets and doing a meal menu on his own so he let me in on the "surprise" dinner. Granddaughter Alex will be here too and I think Kevin has a day off. Oldest son Don had a motorcycle accident in April, and he lives here, so he's here. I'll be missing a couple of grandchildren but otherwise, the gangs all here.
I'm so new at this Blogging thing my brain gets confused which is so normal at my age anyhow, but I'll keep trying and looking for new stuff to put on this page. I've seen some nice blogs and hope someday mine will rate good. I have enjoyed the cooking blogs with the pictures. My family has enjoyed the new recipes I've found on a couple of blogs. I create a lot of soups and meals without a recipe. I'll post some of them one day but I'm not so sure about the pictures of the food as I am cooking! I am impressed with the talent I've read and seen in other's blogs. I am totally amazed!
I generally go swimming about this time with my husband. The sun is low and part of the pool is shaded. Our temperatures here in the Las Vegas valley was suppose to start chilling down, but, today on the computer temp guage it was a hot 117 somewhere here. The heat is stiffling to us at our age so we try to run our errands before late afternoon. Las Vegas has wonderful winter, spring and fall weather. We are hoping one of these years we'll head to Maine for a couple of months vacation during the summer. We went there in 2006 in the fall and I really didn't want to leave. It is another space in time and so relaxful. Not to mention the great seafood not found that good anywhere else on this earth as far as we are concerned.
Well, husband Bob is looking for food after all it is dinner time here. So I will say adieu for now. Hope you have a pleasant evening. God bless!