Nothing is as it seems. Don't say Never. Appearances can be deceiving. Shaking my head in sort of disbelief yet feeling very disappointed.
I am a political addict. I talk to my TV and avoid discussions with others whose party affiliation differ from mine - only because I get so flustered I would lose the discussion with my first spoken opinion. I am basically conservative but once was a Democrat long time ago when times were different and our value system wasn't so accepting of anything goes. I believe in family values and helping our fellow man when appropriate with government programs but I also believe we need tax breaks for big business. They provide the jobs. There must be balance for our country to survive.
As of late we've heard of a lot of politicians who have committed the mortal sins of their position and have been chastised - rightfully so! But, I do feel we have an unequal playing field of who gets chastised and who gets away with it. Chris Dodd who has been a politician for a long time, took advantage of what and who he knew to get a low cost loan on his property. While we are pointing the finger at the Republicans who have committed the mortal sin, I have not heard one investigation on Dodd. Is this because he has a high profile position? I believe that what is good for one is good for all. The Housing Scandal has caused the other half of the problem with our economy today - why should someone like Dodd escape any punishment. Can it be realistically it probably all depends on which party is in power as far as the Congress is concerned. Maybe it depend on which News agency is doing the reporting or if it is being reported at all.
I am almost shocked at the news of John Edward's infidelity. I am sorry for his family and disappointed in him. I would not have voted for him but I had more expectations for the man. Do you get the impression as I do that they are always so sorry for what they did - - - after they are caught!!!
I've been trying to make a bit of extra cash of late . . . all those trips
away and dinners out I love don't come cheap after all, and I'm RUBBISH at
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