I am in the mood to make chicken soup. I know it is good for us and we all enjoy the flavor. I shortened my cooking and prep time by buying roasted chickens from the Costco. Our Costco has the biggest and most delicious ones in our area and they are less than $6.00 each as compared to our local grocery story where their roasted chickens are small and puny and cost over $7.00. I usually make chicken salad with the chicken breasts. No part of the chicken goes unused. I also started using chicken broth since I'm not boiling a regular chicken all day. It's my next job after this blog. I'm going to try and bake up a batch of cornbread too - now I don't do so well with that even with the pre-pared mix that you just add water to. Bob doesn't like the consistency. So, if any of you have a good cornbread recipe - please email me. I'd appreciate it.
Bob's out painting the exterior of the back of the house. I have some dishware to pack while the soup is cooking. These are things I can do without now and won't need to use. They are my Polish dishware I bought a few years back - they are beautiful pieces. We're making headway although slow but sure with the packing and organizing downstairs.
I am getting excited about moving. I've decided to look into newer developments even though here in our valley the newer homes have less land, but we'll check around. Bob's getting to the point he doesn't want a lot of yard work to do and we'll probably go with desert landscape. Both of us enjoy green and would love to buy a farm in Texas but we've decided with all this time on our hands, we can travel to other places, stay for a few months and enjoy the lush green landscape but not worry about the upkeep. I can't wait. We're hoping the economy will have a turnaround by spring and the housing prices will stabilize so we do get a decent price for our home. Regardless, we have to move, this place is too much work for both of us. It's a wonderful home for a family. It was purchased for Brian and handicapped remodeled for his needs.
We are having another beautiful day here in southern Nevada. There's a forecast of rain later in the week and I pray that God brings us several days of a good downpour. We really need the rain. I thank God for all my blessings that are many and for my dear friends and family. I pray for you also as you are reading this blog, and I thank you for visiting.
Take care and have a special day.
I've been trying to make a bit of extra cash of late . . . all those trips
away and dinners out I love don't come cheap after all, and I'm RUBBISH at
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