Ever since the first time I heard Carly Simon's song "Coming Around Again" I loved the beat and the words. It is the theme song for a really good movie with Merle Streep about a marriage trying to survive with social complications - work, raising a child, and family problems. Ms. Streep is one of the best female actresses, although, Sophia Loren is my choice for all round most beautiful actress.
I received a comment from another Grandma who lost her son a couple of years back - I guess we are soul sisters! She expressed her hope that "my spending spree" would be helpful and my reply is that we did have a great time. Perhaps it's just getting out with my boyfriend, lover and best friend, my husband.
Woke up at 4 AM this morning, I don't know why - but coffee in the morning always is our temptress and entices me awake for some dumb reason. We automatically turn the TV to channel 21 - we are committed to Fox Network News - I'm throwing a fit because of the overwhelming negative McCain campaign coverage from the other cable and local news stations, we give our faithful allegiance to Fox. They have everything we require and give us what we expect from a news reporting channel.
Our nation is in a financial mess. It showed most every store we were in. We went to the mall yesterday to Bath and Body Works - my very favorite place for body lotion and smelly good stuff. I belong to the Blue Star Mom's association and the local group will be putting together Christmas stockings for deployed soldiers. We went to Bath and Body Works to get some things for the female soldiers on the list. I hope they like what I picked out.
We have a new small local mall being built about two miles from the house. The stores that are already open are Target and Hallmark, and a big sports store. I thought maybe the Hallmark store would have a Nativity set for Tom. I've always enjoyed going into the Hallmark store because there's so much stuff to look at - and "buy." Regretfully, they didn't have a Nativity set like I wanted but Bob came up with a great idea - he found an ornament that was precious and it was small so not to take up too much room which is a big consideration when buying for Tom since they don't have a lot of space in their rooms on the base. I'm glad Bob picked this out because we didn't find anything comparable anywhere else. I'm finding the pickings slim and although there seems to be a lot of "stuff" the merchandise is limited and a small selection - the slow economy is apparent everywhere. A good thought - choose wisely when making out your Christmas list.
The highlight of the day was making the acquaintance of the two salesgirls in the Hallmark Store. They were both very helpful and courteous but the icing on the cake was their personalities - they were both hilarious. It was early in the morning so Bob and I were the only customers. One of the girls was about the age of our youngest son, and the other about the age of our oldest grandson. I had told the girls about our situation here at home with our adult children and granddaughter living here, and they both immediate in unison blurted out the name of a movie and they were laughing hysterically saying the movie is so much like our home life and that "we just had to watch it." I cannot remember the name of the movie - but Sarah Jessica Parker and Matt McConnehey were the stars of the movie. These girls were a "riot." They made us laugh so hard - they were so much fun. Oh, and the husband of one of the girls is serving with the Air Force and is in Korea.
Shopping whether I spend lots of money or a couple of bucks is good therapy. The news about the economy is bleak and is reflective of the people not shopping. There weren't a lot of people shopping at the mall but Costco was packed and always is - I don't get it. Today is another box packing day for Soldier Tom and house cleaning too. It's a beautiful day outside too - great fall weather here. How about all that snow up north in the Dakota's?
I'd better get busy - so you all take good care and God bless.
I've been trying to make a bit of extra cash of late . . . all those trips
away and dinners out I love don't come cheap after all, and I'm RUBBISH at
1 comment:
Sorry it took so long to get the address for 'Those Who Have Experienced Tragedy'.
Today I went right to it.
It made me feel better after i read it.
You can read it right on line.
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