We have received our first Christmas gift. It came via the postal system in a cardboard box a week or so ago. It was not wrapped in Christmas paper and I was instructed to open the boxes which I did and there I found the gifts for Bob and I from our Soldier Tom who is in Camp Taji, Iraq. He believes that Bob and I should be more active and excitable. He thinks its a waste of time that we watch TV in the evening. Our daughter was even surprised that we watched the same news program every day at the same time. What's wrong with these people? Not us - our kids, it is our pattern, after all we are retired.
So back to the gift - our Soldier Tom was surprised I hadn't taken his gifts out of the cardboard boxes yet and the explanation that it wasn't Christmas and I was saving the opening until then was a not a good enough explanation. Then when the other members of the family found out what was in the boxes, they were astounded that I could hoard such gifts from everyone else and not share the experience NOW!!!! Well, my dear disoriented, lack of patience family, suck it up!!! because I ain't opening the gifts for public usage until Christmas day. If you don't like it - too bad!!! What are you going to do - give the chief cook and bottle washer of the family a public thrashing, I DON'T THINK SO!!!!
Now by this time, have I got your curiosity ablaze? Do you want to know what our Soldier Tom sent us all the way from Iraq via Amazon and other Internet purchase outlets? Do you want to know, huh? OK, I'll tell you, especially since that is what this is all about anyhow! Tom sent Bob and I a Wii and some games. I actually call it a Wii Wii because I want too - which really agitates everyone, but I don't care. I'm not sure about the games he sent and how they are suppose to help our energy level, I was thinking something about the exercise one they have, but maybe its in there - well, really I don't think I want that one, but the sports thingie with tennis for me and the bow and arrow one for Bob would probably be more enticing.
I do know there will be real controversy and head banging as to Who can use this and when since our TV is OUR TV not for family consumption. We have a TV room and a living room with a TV and the living room has the big TV - can you guess who occupies the living room? If you would see the messy TV room which is occupied by adult children and grandchildren, you would understand why the living room is a security zone specifically for grown ups which in this house is a different description from adult children. Now you may think we are harsh but guess what - who cares? It's our rules and at our age we are tired of enforcing rules in our home, but this one we stick to because we can and because we need our own solitary space. There is really an invisible line well, actually not, but for some reason when the people built this house they sunk the living room one step down so to enter the living room which is an open room anyhow, you must step down and you must step down with permission if we are watching TV or playing the piano or just talking. Actually not, I just felt like exaggerating. Truly, we do need the one room we can find solitude and they do have the run of the other TV room and nare the twain shall meet, well sometimes they do meet. See, having older adult children and grandchildren living with you, there can be strain and stress.
As far as the Wii Wii usage goes, I'll have to address that in another entry because it will stay in the box and under the Christmas tree until Christmas day and I'll decide then who, what, where and why. Possession is 9/10th of the law and the name on the box is mine. And as an old lady of the house, I can say nanny nanny boo boo, it's all mine!
Have a great day!
I've been trying to make a bit of extra cash of late . . . all those trips
away and dinners out I love don't come cheap after all, and I'm RUBBISH at
1 comment:
I think that is a wonderful gift! My husband and I decided to buy one as a gift when he comes home, too! Tom did a good job! :)
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