Yesterday I was feeling under the weather and I was given permission by the one in charge to take the day off. So, I decided to mess around on my computer and little did I realize how fast the time flies when you really are doing something you enjoy. And, how a little relaxation and a spoon full of honey makes the medicine go down - I didn't actually get medicine, but that sounded appropriate for ending that sentence.
A girl I went to grade school with sent me an invitation to join her Facebook, and it was all up hill from there. I'm not sure I have the grasp of it yet, or if there is more I can do on my Facebook page, but it was nice getting in touch with old friends. And, the distraction and enjoyment was all it took to cure the ails.
I hope you had a good day too and your week is going well. Take good care, and God bless you abundantly with all your needs.
I've been trying to make a bit of extra cash of late . . . all those trips
away and dinners out I love don't come cheap after all, and I'm RUBBISH at
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