Just finished cleaning off the back patio and outside furniture. Bob's mowing the lawn. It is suppose to be up in the 100s today and the rest of the week. The pool water should be warm enough to be comfortable for swimming. It is so typical for our weather to go directly from beautiful spring weather directly to the hot 100s - and so it goes.
Bob showed me a hummingbird nest the other day. There were two itty bitty teeney tiny beaks sticking up. There should be more nest = the hummers have been busy, but this place is where the hummer has build it's nest for years. Sweet!
Just a couple more chores then I will be done. Trying to get all the hard down and dirty cleaning done today - tomorrow I get my hair colored, yes, I have to admit, I am a bottled blond otherwise all gray! It's shopping day tomorrow, then Thursday, last minute cleaning up and napping some because oh, in case you don't know why we're doing all this cleaning up - Tom and his friend come in Thursday night! Hooorah! It's great they are flying in at night - the lights of Las Vegas are beautiful. I think the plane goes over Hoover Dam too and that is a very special sight. Tom's friend has never been to the west, so I know she will enjoy the sights of the city.
I hope you all had a nice Mother's Day. Ours was quiet for the most part. Do take good care and be safe. God bless.
I've been trying to make a bit of extra cash of late . . . all those trips
away and dinners out I love don't come cheap after all, and I'm RUBBISH at
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