This morning when I opened my window I heard the birds squawking loudly, in an almost emergency call, it was an oddly loud bird sound I had not heard before. Then in an almost instance I saw out of the corner of my eye our neighborhood white and grey cat scrambling out of the tree, then I understood why the birds were sounding their alarm. From my window I can't see any nests for the cat to get into, but this tree is a resting point for our resident birds.
We have lots of new baby birds around and a new herd of baby quail which Bob noticed as they scrambled across our street the other evening. We have four hummingbird feeders and Bob has had to keep extra busy keeping the feeders full up so he has come to the conclusion we have some new baby hummers. We are only guessing but those hummers we have noticed and thought to be the newcomers are not quite as ambitions as the adults, they lollygag around and enjoy the moment more than the zig zags of the momma and poppas . We get a big kick out of their zooming around and chirping at each other.
I read a wonderful blog this morning called Provident God (link here). I have been in a slow almost passive mood recently. I guess for one reason my body is saying to relax after all the preparation for our Soldier Tom's visit home. I almost feel neglectful that I'm not more energized but after all it is good to relax for a little while since having your family around we never know when the next round of events will hit the door running. Reading "Provident God" shook my inner soul, my guilt complex appeared for I realized I have been neglectful to give thanks to Our Father for my blessings. My relaxed spirit is a welcomed change but I should have added more daily reflection on the gifts of life and special ones who share this home. My mind is jumbled like a honeybees nest even though there is quiet here. I am grateful for Provident God to have shown up when it did, it is a spiritual moment I needed. I hope you will check it out too.
Another blog I visited this morning - see here - is one post by this very creative young mother. Her photos and ideas are wonderfully refreshing and very relaxingly. Her main blog is Fresh Fixins. She blogs on her garden and other aspects of her life. Her garden is gorgeous. I am envious because right now my yard has no garden not for lack of trying but the hot desert heat usually cooks our plants before they have a chance to mature. I know many people have gardens here in southern Nevada, but not us. We have had good luck with some flowers that finally took hold and have done quite well every year - it is a trial and error here in the desert where water is not abundant and we're on a watering rational schedule as well. So, I live my dreams of beautiful garden spots when I visit blogs like Fresh Fixins.
I am trying to catch up on my blog reading this week. It is amazing the vast amount of information and beauty that is shared through this blogging thingie. I am very content that I became a part of this world.
I've been trying to make a bit of extra cash of late . . . all those trips
away and dinners out I love don't come cheap after all, and I'm RUBBISH at
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