Time marched on and waited for no man. Retirement isn't all it's suppose to be, in my thoughts and deeds anyhow. As I was going through some of my FaceBook friends.I discovered a lady who I worked for many moons ago. We have now become Face Book friends and have exchanged several notes and she has sent photos of her now adult children and photos of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. However, after sending the photos, I failed to responded as appropriately as I should have and I felt badly for that lack of attention. I realized today that it's my husband's fault.
Now, don't laugh - although, I can just hear him giving out a huge "gaff fall" or laugh after reading that sentence. He and I are tied at the hip since he's retired. I am grateful he is a workaholic and enjoys working around our home - - - especially outside. I do have to have a plan and let him know when I will be washing the kitchen floor so he won't be coming in for water - I never seem to get it timed correctly so its better to prepare. The tall and short of it is it is great to have a solid relationship and know you can depend on one person entirely. But, as I realized not just an hour ago, I have neglected my blogs and email notes to friends, and unfortunately - my household budget! Yikes!!
Yes, we are involved with Farm Town, you'd think we didn't have a life off that "farm" and for awhile that's all we did because we shared harvesting each others crops to make more coins to buy more property to buy more animals and for me buildings and things. But, I was going nuts and complaining as I clicked with vehemently unintentional disdain for those little booger crops and that avatar that is representative of me - she is an aggravating little thing - - - - sometimes!! I have finally gotten control of the mouse pointer and know how to get around her silly movements. I know, it sounds beyond reality, and it is, I agree. Right now my life is in limbo and Farm Town is on some days fun planning. For my husband, hearing the "cockadoodle-doo" from all his chicks and roosters are music to his ears. He actually isn't from the farm life but he did spend a lot of his life growing up around farms with his grandparents and aunts and uncles and he worked during the summer with a good friend of the family. So it was inevitable that when we first met, he shared his dream of one day wanting to own a farm, and I knew we would - and we did. He had plenty of baby chicks, chickens and roosters and all of the rest of the farming necessities. We left the farm back in 84 but now in 2009, he is playing farm on his computer. Now, how funny is that!!!!
The painters have been here and gone, but have to come back tomorrow to fix a room that turned out lousy. The rest of the place looks fantastic! Bob and I are tired and very slow at getting things back to normal. This ole grey mane ain't what she use to be and I just can't move it like I use to. My mother-in-law told me once back in 1993 that I moved through my duties like I was the Duracell Bunny - now I think my Duracell Bunny is in a coma.
I've been trying to make a bit of extra cash of late . . . all those trips
away and dinners out I love don't come cheap after all, and I'm RUBBISH at
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