Today we took Tom, Tine, and our grand dog Peanut, to the airport. They left only two hours ago, but already it seems so boring and too quiet. Bob is on his computer dedicated to his dutiful assignment on Facebook - farming on Farmtown and Farmville, cleaning fishtanks on several aquariums and other topics of his interest. Yes, I do have my Farm and fishtank, but I try to allow a certain time frame for that stuff. I don't want it to be the be-end all of everything I do. As you can tell because is has been a long time since I've blogged, I've been attracted to other things, like it or not!
I started getting things ready for Christmas before Thanksgiving because I just don't work fast at my age and my knees are giving me a lot of pain. We did have a wonderful holiday season with all that kids and grandkids available being here. Tom and Tine are so much fun to have around and we loved having their dog with us. She is well behaved and has the same temperament as Tine. It was a nice celebration.
I am now starting to take down the inside decorations. I've also started throwing all the fattening snack foods we had in for the family - and Bob and I which we enjoyed beyond exclamation! It's back on our protein diet, and I must admit we did gain back what we lost. I have a doctor's appointment in a couple of weeks, and I'll be a huge chicken and postpone for a couple extra weeks just to get these pounds off before getting on the scale in his office. I hate that part of the visit!!!!
As I contemplated which decorations I would pack up first this morning, it occurred to me, what next? It's always a big deal planning for Christmas - the food, decorations, who will be here and what gifts to buy, not to mention the house cleaning all all the rest of the next stuff. I do enjoy it so much. Once the lights come down it seems so dreary although its not as dreary here in the desert southwest as it is in the mid west and east where it is so desperately cold and barren. We still have leaves on our trees and roses on the bushes. I remember the below zero temperatures very well, something one doesn't forget especially if you have the responsibility of making sure the farm animals have water in the freezing weather. This means chopping holes either in the pond or in the water tank unless you have a water tank heater that works well.
Making a New Years Resolution would go hand in hand with what's next in my life. I purchased Windows 7 to install on my main computer. I have had to use every ounce of patience I have to deal with the problems I've endured with Vista. Now I have to plan when I will do the installation so I have time and will not be interrupted because I am anticipating it will take thinking and concentration to do. I'll back up stuff first just to protect what I have. Gosh, I hope it this program works better than Vista.
I have a china cabinet that has dust growing on dust - its shameful that I haven't had the ambition to clean it. It is on the top of my list of resolutions of to-dos and I can pack up some things that aren't appropriate there, or things I want to give away. I know Tom & Tine will want some things for their place when they move back here.
Tom has decided not to re-enlist in the Army. He and Tine will come back here and go to college. She will continue on with her nursing program and he will get back into the EMT program he started before joining the Army.
It will be difficult to plan financially for the future in view of the passing of the health care bill in Washington and the other bills as well. I am concerned with what amount if any they will take from my social security check. I made the choice to be a stay at home mom most of my married life even though I have had excellent jobs first off before I met my husband, then, before Brian's accident when I was working and going to college. I was left with no pension and just a pittance of social security to show. Ah, yes, I have my husbands to fall back on, but well, it would have been nice. I hope we are coming out of the recession and the cost of real estate will level, as we are thinking of putting the house up for sale. Although, at this point we will still be looking for a large place not a small one as I had hoped. It must be our destiny! I believe there is a path set up for us the minute we are born and how we follow the path determines our frame of mind and lifestyle and probably happiness. It is better not to be angry or upset when things are going right, sometimes there's not much you can do about it.
So, that's where it is today. I must get back to blogging and catching up with the other bloggers. It is fun and interesting, and I have missed being apart of this world.
God bless you all and take good care. Sending you best wishes for a very Happy New Year.
I've been trying to make a bit of extra cash of late . . . all those trips
away and dinners out I love don't come cheap after all, and I'm RUBBISH at
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