Good morning! How are you today? Have you had your coffee or tea yet? Breakfast? It's early in our home but not as early as we usualy get up - thank goodness! I don't understand why we wake up so early and I know it can't be for a cup of fresh coffee. I'd received many comments from friends who are retire - especially woman - who wake up everyday around 4AM. I know when I have to get up and I don't want to, I can sleep, so wondering if it could be a mind over matter psychology! I haven't had my first cup of coffee. I know it will help with the headache which almost feels like a hangover headache, but unfortunately there's no reason for a hangover!
Bob's still having symptoms of being so tired after radiation treatments were ended. It is very difficult for him mentally to adjust to these feelings. He is comforted by the fact there is nothing pressing for him to do so he naps peacefully and often. There's something to be said about retirement without strings and obligations.
I have not done any "homework" on this cancer thing so I know dit-squat about this. It must be part of getting senile since any type of motivation to check it out is nil. I don't want to push it aside with the thought "ah, there's nothing wrong" because that could result in a huge breakdown in the end not being prepared. As I posted previously, I cried thinking of losing him. After that post, I cried for several more days. I'm all cool now - I think its a matter we need to get out and do something.
As you know if you follow my blog, my son and granddaughter live with us. Alex is nine years old and very active. She's on the Honor Roll, enrolled in a drama class and a reading class held early in the morning once a month - she really needs and enjoys the extra activity. My son still hasn't found a job and his car got repossessed. We only have one vehicle since my husband retired, so you can see the situation. Alex has the brightest disposition. She is in the preteen stage of a little girl life. She does things like sing and dance around her room, when Kevin pops his head in she screams at the top of her lungs. Kevin is getting a taste of the reaction to come from a little girl growing up and wanting her privacy. She does have a girlfriend and they talk on the telephone everyday. It is so cute. I know, it's not really "cute" but it is special because Alex needs to have contacts beyond our home. My son is sort of possessive parent without a partner to help and he keeps her close at hand. Her girlfriend is a sweet girl and her parents are responsible. It's a good thing.
Yesterday she wore a really cute blue sweater that Bob and I bought her for Christmas. She looked adorable. After school, having changing her clothes, I noticed she had her sweater rolled up under her arm, she was heading out the door with Uncle Don and her dad. They were heading out to the laundromat to wash large items. I asked her about the sweater and then she showed me - it was stained with tye-dye dark blue color. Not in a specific design, but straight across the waistline with splatters of dark blue all over the front of the light blue sweater - so much so the sweater instantly was downgraded from a dressy outfit to a play outfit.
I've tried to wash the tye-dye ink out without success - I think that ink is made to last. If any readers have any ideas to help me get this stain out, I would welcome the suggestions.
No big plans for today except finish today what I didn't do yesterday and be thankful for what we have. I am grateful.
I hope all is well with your family. God bless you! Take good care.
I've been trying to make a bit of extra cash of late . . . all those trips
away and dinners out I love don't come cheap after all, and I'm RUBBISH at
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