It's starting out to be another beautiful day in southern Nevada. The Heating and Air Conditioning guys will be here in an hour. When we bought this place back in 93 we put in new units - we have two - and also a humidifier for Brian because of his respiratory problems and being on oxygen. It never worked! The lines are stretched from one end of the lo-ceiling attic to the other and tied in the middle somewhere behind the sink in the kitchen. So, we'll having all that taken out. Bob turned the water connections in the attic off many years ago because they were leaking in the attic. It'll be an expensive job, but one we have to do since we're selling - also, if they were to corrode it would be even more costly. That's what's happening here today. We did change companies to service our units - the other got to be more like a telemarketing firm and not so courteous. Our neighbor is in the business and he is a nice guy so why not use someone from the neighborhood, and that we did.
Soldier Tom called from Iraq yesterday - what a fantabulous surprise!!!! It was around noon my time. It was fantastic to hear from him because we haven't received any emails or I-M messages in a long time. They will be leaving Iraq very soon and going to Camp Liberty (Baghdad) for a while, then heading on home to Ft. Bragg. He plans to be home in either May and June. Once things get settled for him back stateside he's going to take Airborne classes. His MOS doesn't require him to have airborne but its something he'd like to do. Ft. Bragg is an Airborne base - big time!! When we visited Bragg, unfortunately, we missed the demonstrations the troops have, that would have been awesome to experience. Hopefully we can make it back there when Tom jumps.
I hope you have a wonderful Friday and all is well at your home and your family is healthy. Take good care and God bless.
I've been trying to make a bit of extra cash of late . . . all those trips
away and dinners out I love don't come cheap after all, and I'm RUBBISH at
I'm so pleased to hear of your phone call!
Make it a good weekend!
Hello! I've been thinking about you a lot lately. Been so busy, but you've still been on my mind.
So excited our guys will be home before we know it!
Take care :)
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