Today is our day of rest and to give special homage to God our Father! Not only has Sunday been a special day for me because of the Day of Prayer, but because my workaholic husband actually takes the day off and relaxes. As he has gotten older he does relax more often during the week days and is a firm believer in naps. He consistently quotes our physician saying "naps are good for us" I suppose as an excuse for his routine of several naps whenever the urge hits him. He deserves all the naps he wants - he was a very hard physical working male. It is a relief to have the day off officially now - not to have to compete with his aggressive motivation of completion of all sorts of jobs done throughout the day - I couldn't keep up with him - although birthing and raising four kids, then a grandson, then care for a disabled son, now helping with a granddaughter, I guess in retrospect maybe I didn't chop down a tree for firewood or build a fence or rebuild a hydraulic braking system, but I suppose my job was just as fulfilling - you think! But, here we are on the official day of rest and giving honor and thanksgiving to God - something we do every day anyhow, and we don't need to say only on Sunday because everyday is the Lord's day here. We may struggle with our disappointments and health problems and daily conflicts, but we thank God for our blessings and they are great.
I am watching the hummingbird feeder for the Precious hummer from yesterday - but she hasn't appeared. The feeder has been visited by several energetic male hummers but not Precious. I watched her until almost dark - I kept the shades open to watch as she held on tightly to the rail of the feeder and would drink of the sweet nectar to sustain her energy. We have three other feeders, but this one is the only one with rails and this one is where I would expect for her to come. I am too sensitive I suppose to be worrying about one creature. Never mind that - I will continue to watch through the day when I come back to this room, but I am doubtful she made it through the night because it was very cool and damp and she was weak.
Yesterday, granddaughter Alex and I made jewelry - a fulfillment of something I've wanted to do forever!!! I was in seventh heaven. She had made jewelry with her mom a while back when she was much younger so she couldn't remember a lot. She made a necklace and I lost count on how many times we dropped the string and the beads and cross fell on the floor and she had to lay out her pattern again. We worked well together and I felt like I accomplished a grand job working with her - I can't wait for our next project. I need to buy more "string" and more colorful beads. I know NOTHING about this so its all trial and error, but I feel privileged to have Alex to show me - she has great design ideas and this is marvelous for an eight year old. I am also anxious to teach her how to sew - I want to teach her to hand stitch although I am not that good, but that is what I did at her age making doll clothes for my dolls and those were very primitive looking. I think you can teach a child the basics and give them a taste of life and they will go from there. It's a good idea to try if not, you may never know the joy in a task.
I've been trying to make a bit of extra cash of late . . . all those trips
away and dinners out I love don't come cheap after all, and I'm RUBBISH at
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