Well, you know how the best planned projects can run amok and they sure did for me this week. This ugly green gooey guy came to visit our family members this week. I'm not sure which is worse the effects of the cold pills or the symptoms but needless to say the grand pu-pa of getting something accomplished as planned went down the toilet - or into the trash can whichever is most appropriate. I'm calling the real estate agent in a couple of minutes and postponing his previewing of our home from tomorrow until next Monday when I hopefully will feel more like a human being.
It was difficult not blogging especially when family/friends inquired "did you blog?" I'll have to admit right now its easier to type than clean and move boxes with a Puffs tissues in hand. So that's where I am - no exciting news well, except one thing on my mind - a complaint letter.
I am very upset and will have to wait until my thoughts are organized and my head stops hurting to write a reasonable and comprehensive letter. I pay my bills online and have done this for years without any problems. Unfortunately, I had my first situation where I screwed up and when I realized I did and tried to correct it, the company wouldn't help out - wouldn't check back through their computer files to correct my screw up. I had to pay a penalty, and realistically, it was my obligation, but it galls me they wouldn't even check it out. "We can't do it" they would say and I know that is a pile of crapola! I am still very upset about this and will go into more detail when I "chill" out. Well, on second thought - every other company that I pay on line with has the verify information window after you type in the check/credit card information for paying a bill but this company doesn't. Then, after paying my bills, I always check my bank accounts to see when the payments have cleared and check that off in my spread sheet, so when this payment didn't post after a reasonable time, I realized that I had probably typed in the wrong number, and as you know - one number off will screw up the complete batch. This company was Cox Cable. As I said, once I have settled down and can think straight enough to organize my words appropriately to explain then I will write several letters. I will be nice - nice gets more done that a rant letter. They can check or trace a payment but wouldn't and this is something my bank couldn't do - - - it was a debit online payment, and since I have the confirmation number they could have pulled that up and see what account the payment went to and I could have cleared that up immediately. Cox Accounting department seemed to be "stupid" about the whole thing. My bank said they just didn't want to check.
I know perhaps it seems a small detail but they should have a "verify payment" window so you can check what you have typed in because we all do have one of those days where we are NOT paying attention and can make an error which will result in a penalty.
Ok, that's all for now - RANT OVER! I'll be around to pick up the pieces for a few days. Hope you all are well and life is good for you!
I've been trying to make a bit of extra cash of late . . . all those trips
away and dinners out I love don't come cheap after all, and I'm RUBBISH at
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