Monday, May 30, 2011

The Age of Beginning Forgetfulness

For the second time, that I can remember anyhow, I lost my way while preparing a dish for dinner.  The is a very simple dish.  Prepared it a ka-zillion times for my children and more for my grandchildren.  It isn't important what the dish was as it is the emotion of my moment. 

When you have done something so simple, so routinely, without even having to think about it, actions as smooth as silk, then wham! what a minute this isn't right.  It hits you like a light going out in a dark room.  Like a loud sound in a quiet place.  I went about the movements of preparations, but I knew something was wrong.  I was almost at the end, but it wasn't right, why did I proceed like this?  It's not right but what is wrong?  Time passed, I don't know how long, but enough I knew as the dinner was almost ready, I had done something wrong.  I was able to recoup the recipe from the recipe file which is stored in my brain - I don't write my favorite recipes down, I just know how to do it - never measuring, just know from looking. 

This dish is a simple one, easy to fix, and in the end, it was as it should be.  But, I know the forgetting is only the beginning. 

The other recipe is my mom and dad's famous chili recipe.  I have forgotten it.  This was a recipe created by my mom and dad to serve in the restaurant they owned as I was growing up.  The recipe is nothing like any you'd find in a recipe book or on line.  It was my mom and dad's recipe.  I tried making it the other day, but it wasn't right.  It was horrible.  And, you know you can only serve chili to your family so often.  I will keep trying.

And yes, I have started writing my recipes down.  I don't type them out, I write them down and I'll tell you why.  I have a huge binder, well actually several, with recipes from my girlfriends and from family members including my mom.  Some are typed and many are written.  You can tell the ones I've used more often than others by the food stains on the cards or the pieces of papers.  And, I even have pieces of paper without any title on the ingredients, some have cooking temps and others don't.  If you have the knack for cooking and baking you know automatically what temp to use, but not if you are "forgetful."  So I want my recipes written so when my family goes through my recipes they will remember my handwriting and this will bring back the memories. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Long time no post...again!

Yikes, this is becoming a like a bad habit this non-posting laziness.  I've gotten too taken up with Facebook and black and white movies on Turner Classic Movie channel.  I will once more make every attempt to be religious and make some type of comment each day.

There isn't a lot to discuss when you're retired and in a state of limbo economically.  Decisions to be make whether to sell or home and downsize or stay where we are for now.  Both my side kick and I would love to move back the the country somewhere.  We've talked about Texas near Fredericksburg.  We enjoyed visiting the area, especially Luckenbach.  But at our age relocating wouldn't be as fun as it was when we were younger. 

Our family which consists of our children and a couple grandchildren live here.  My extended family, father, mother and brother are at another location that I can't go to yet - Heaven.  I have aunts and cousins in Ohio but I've been gone too long to reconnect.  Although I love Ohio, it is a beautiful state, I do wish we had moved there in our younger marriage years.

Our area here has a water problem which means unless something serious is done or God provides us with a lot of rain, we will be out of water then we will be in huge financial devastation.  With that knowledge you'd think we'd be getting the heck out of Dodge, but no, there's too many other reasons.  So we stay but continue looking at houses on line and wondering what to do.

My side kick hubby has a bad cold and has been down and out all week, so we've been living in a pretty quiet state this week.  I have a number of books staring me down to be read.  One is Steven Tyler's biography.  I am a very unlikely person to read such a book - you would think that if you met me, but after watching American Idol for the very first time in our lives, I was impressed with his respect of the contestants.  I like his gentleness in telling each one the good and the bad, where as the other two judges I thought were mean spirited and had favorites.  So, as I've gotten into Steven Tylers book, I realize I'm in for some rough moments especially language.  I'm a big girl, actually and old senior citizen and I believe that I do have rights to "learn" or experience what I choose.  I'm certainly not going to run out now and live a life of sin, it isn't who I am.  I can skim over those rough parts. 

Plans changed, grandson Tom just called, his gal Tine is going to nursing school and she wants to come over and take our blood pressure, a class project I suppose. 

I'll send this on with best wishes and prayers that you are well and life is good for you and your family.  Do take good care.  Oh, I will be updating my photos soon.