Sunday, March 11, 2012


I have been away from Blogging for almost a year.  I think about it especially when I am sad, in a bad mood, or sick.......why not when I'm happy??  Good question. 

There's so much that's happening in our family, but I just haven't taken the time to write.  It's Lent now, and it is the time when I should write testimony as to what Lent should mean to me, I should, it does the soul good.

Then there's the Politics of the Day which is driving me nutsy.  It's like when one term is over then a whole new bunch starts campaigning for the next voting season.  Do you think they could end it this time.  Will November hurry up so we can get it over with.

No, I don't want November to hurry up - there's too much to do in between time.

I've been sick for a couple of months and I hate it.  Not sure it's serious or not, need to go see the doctor, but there's another "issue" of complaint.  They hired two new nurses who are not nurses.  One girl have absolutely no experience and the other has some.  Two nurses left - one was fired and the other moved away.  The one nurse we really liked was fired, she had tons of experienced, in fact, she had more experience than any nurse that had been hired in that office, they said she couldn't get the computer operations and I just don't believe that.  We told our doc several times how much we liked here - we know our doc a lot longer than any of the girls he has now.  So, I don't know, I think getting older is making me too picky!!!

So, here I am, the first time back and I complain.  Well, I'm back I hope.  I have so many new photos to share - another big job to do.

Hope you all are well.  And life is good for you and your families!!  Do take good care.  God bless!