Thursday, January 22, 2009


We just received the happy news Alex has been selected for Eagle of the Month in the Second Grade. The photo is Alex with her Principal a few weeks ago as she received her Honor Roll certificate.
She works so diligently and is very thoughtful of her classmates. Last night we were talking about the paper the students fill out to share why they should be Eagle of the Month and also who they would recommend for Eagle of the Month. Alex wasn't so much concerned about herself, but the friend she recommended. She went into detail of their friendship at school and how he treats the other students. It was emotional to listen to her thoughtful expressions of unselfish compliments for another person.
She had given me a piece of paper yesterday with a drawing of a dress and pants and she told me she wanted to make these for her doll. I was very impressed with her design and choice of style. I told her I thought maybe she had abilities to be a dress designer. I am trying desperately to pack and due to constant interruptions with family crisis I am not getting much done and sewing dresses for Alex's dolls would definitely not fit in now. I did promise her once we are settled again I will teach her to sew - and I will encourage her to continue her drawings for her doll's clothes. I am not at all a perfectionists at sewing but we'll work at it. Something to look forward to doing with my granddaughter as she grows up. She has always enjoyed drawing since she was a little thing. I have boxes of her drawings some of which I've had to part with because there are only so many boxes of children's treasures a person can keep.
We were going to visit Suzanne tonight. She is doing better, but we don't know yet what the doctor has decided to do with her. She just called to say they would be moving her to another location this evening and we're to wait until tomorrow.
I do appreciate your prayers. It is difficult some days to stay on top of things. I don't know what I would do without the strength and guidance I receive from my faith. There was a time after Brian died when I didn't talk to God, although I knew I was being prayed for - I was upset with Him because I knew He could have saved Brian and healed him from his brain damage and respiratory problems. God did give me strength to take care of Brian for all those years. My list of faith accomplishments and involvements with God are lengthy and extend many years back to when I was a child. Even as a child, I felt the protection and guidance of the Spirit in my life, but wasn't as wise then about what that Spirit was. I am a very humble Christian and sometimes rebellious Catholic.
Yesterday, as I was driving home from my hair-do appointment with my wonderful hairdresser, I was deep in thought about our family situations right now. I was in the left hand turn lane and had the permission of the green light to turn. The car in front of me was going a little faster than I and had made the turn and was well ahead of me. For some reason I hesitated. I felt like I was confused even though this turn was in our neighborhood and I was very familiar with the area. I hadn't actually gotten into the traffic lane and I as I looked to the left I realized a car was coming from that direction towards where I was going to turn driving a very fast speed. There were two other cars that had already came to a full stop in their lanes. This guy was going like a "bat out of hell" and ran the red light - which had been turned red for several seconds. It is an area around schools and is an area not prone to extreme speeders but this guy was moving. I sat there for a moment still in my turn lane in semi-shock I suppose because I realized had I not hesitated he would have ran right into me. I know there are incidences in our lives that guide us, prevent us, or we sense to make a different judgement than we originally planned and I know this is the work of God in our lives. We are protected and guided because we have more to accomplish in His name on this earth.
Our trials are many and our joys and spiritual gifts are many too and they compliment each other to balance out the burdens and treasures we have on earth - if only we believe and trust in God. I know there will always be good and bad days but how we deal with that day may determine the outcome. A minute can change a lifetime.


Call Me Grandma said...

Hi Grandma: Alex sounds like a special little girl. Tell her congratulations from me.
I see your guardian angels was working overtime. Thank God for you.
I am so glad you are here to write about the workings of God in your life.
With out God my hope would have ran out long ago.

Miss Feisty said...

Congrats to Alex! I know that she was so happy to recieve that award :)

I totally relate to you when you say there was a time when you stopped talking to is so easy to "get mad" and try to shut him out...but as you have pointed out, he is always there, right on time!

Take care & Suzanne and the rest of the family are in my prayers.