Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Feeling very mellow

Haven't quite felt like blogging the past few days - too many happenings in and around the house, you know how that is some days?

Daughter Suzanne is still in the hospital - they are still evaluating her. My blood pressure is over the top and I was doing so well. Too much going on - looking for a relief, but no easy way out.

We talked and joked about why we didn't get a "how to" book when we were young and raising our kids, but never did we even imagine the trials and worries we'd have when they grew up. We have to be thankful for those good days and lasting memories of laughter.


Unknown said...

Pleasee take care of yourself. Stress can do a real number on you!
My prayers are lifted for you and your family!


Miss Feisty said...

Wish I could fly to Vegas and pack your house for you and then take you to a nice relaxing lunch.

Take care! :)