Friday, January 9, 2009

Windy and Sunny

All's quiet on the Sullivan home front! Aaahhhh, hear that? Nothing, no sounds except for two - Bob's practicing his guitar and singing solo - - so low so no one can hear him.

New Years eve and the first day of the year and the rest of the week passed without much a-do! We took the Christmas down this week and I am working on packing the ornaments now. Actually, I'm repacking and taking my time. I love to do this task, it's like going down memory lane since many of the little things we have on the tree are from the kids when they were little and the grandkids too. Our tree is decorated in an old-fashioned motif - the old with the new. I'm an eclectic decorator anyhow, so why shouldn't my tree be too.
This is Granddaughter Alex, she's all dressed up to go to school to get her Honor Roll Award. The school principal decided this semester to have an assembly for the parents to attend to see their child/children receive their awards - great idea.
I am waiting on Tom to send more photos from Iraq, then I will post them here. He only has a little more than three months until he's back stateside.
Hope you are well. God bless. And, thank you God, for prayers answered. We are grateful.

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