Sunday, December 6, 2009

Holy Mollie! I can't believe it!

I have been so delinquent in my blogging tasks! I am now active daily on Facebook and totally connected to FarmTown and so is my husband - he keeps me busy harvesting his crops. I prefer to mess around decorating my farm. They made the Christmas stuff available to "buy" with the "coins" or give as "gifts" so I have gone kookoo decorating. Silliest thing I've ever done, I think, maybe.

So here it is the 6th of December. I am in the holiday mood. Soldier Tom and his gal Tine (Tina - but spelled Tine as in Christine) will be coming home for Christmas and they are bringing their dog Peanut and I am so excited!!!! I miss Tom so much. He is so much fun to have around - never a dull moment when he's home. His gal Tine is a lot of fun too. She is an absolutely wonderful cook and likes to do stuff for our family - isn't that terrific!!!! When they asked if they could bring Peanut home with them, I said yes instantly - although I did pause and ask Bob, but it didn't matter because I wanted to see Peanut. I miss having a pet. We have had a dog or cat or lots of dogs and cats and farm animals my whole married life - the first time was when Bob brought home a little black kitten right after we were married. So, after my dog - Angel, a yellow lab, died about two years ago, Bob said no more pets until after we move from this house. It is a good idea, but I can't help but miss having a pet. So, I am so excited. In fact, there is one gift under the tree right now and it is for Peanut!!!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving - I hope you did too. The kids were here and I worked my butt off and after we ate I collapsed. I've mentioned I think in previous blogs that I need total knee replacement on both knees but have decided to postpone the surgery until after the first of the year. I figure if I have strenuous work to do, if I relax and take my pain pills before that time, then work my butt off when necessary, then relax after then I can endure the pain and that is how I am getting through the holiday preparations. There's just so much work to do and so little time - I hate this being "sort of disabled" I really do - so you have to make hay when the sunshines, put a smile on your face and go for it - - whatever works. I love the Christmas holidays so much - it is exciting, energetic, and happy. I get angry when my family are all grumpy and tell them "bah humbug! and really get on their case. So far that is working - but I have to pick and chose my moments to accuse them of being downers! or I would be in big trouble and that would defeat my purpose.
As I mentioned, I have been playing around with Facebook. I have connected up with many of the kids I went to Catholic grade school and two years of Catholic high school with - most I grew up with until I moved away with my parents from Ohio to Las Vegas when I went into the 11th grade here. It was a very difficult change for me. I loved the high school I was going to and was getting good grades. The teachers at the Catholic high school in Vegas were good, but the attitude out here was different than the midwest. Totally different environment, I didn't do as well in my studies as I had been - regretfully, my fault, totally, but being a teenager what are you going to do. I had great parents, it wasn't their fault, I just made some bad decisions. I went right to a full time job after graduation and did excellent at that job, then met Bob and that's a whole other story which I've told a time or too in my blog. But, here we are back to meeting up with old friends. It is very interesting hearing about their life after not seeing or hearing from some of then for over 40 years. I look forward to getting back to Ohio again and getting together with them, although there are some who live in other places too - so who knows!!!
We are going shopping later - we went to WalMart last night - something we never ever do - it was a miracle to get us out of the house after dark... Like we must have gone mental or something. We are so reclusive now and I really hate it!!! I know hate is a strong word, but howdy do - that's how I feel. I would love to entertain, but there are situations in our family right now, and well, nevermind!!! I will entertain one of these days - just have to wait until Tom and Tine come home - his friends always pop in - and I love everyone of them. Should be a fun time!!!
So, that's it for now. I hope you and your family are well and are getting into the Christmas spirit. We can't forget the reason for this spirit and give thanks to Our Father for all the blessings He has given us even in this distressful time for our economy. It has hit our family too, but we have to give thanks for what we do have. We say thank you Lord for our loving family and our warm home!
Take good care. May God bless you with abundant grace to find your way through your problems, and give you blessings to make you smile!

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