Friday, November 28, 2008

Shopping on Black Friday

I was not one of those people who went shopping at 4 AM this morning. In fact, I was snuggled warmly in my comfortable bed. We are seriously conserving energy and keep the thermostat set low so it was rather chilly in our house.

It reminds me of the days when we stayed at Bob's grandparents on the farm. They had only the one huge intrusive heating unit in the middle of their small living room. When we spent the night we slept upstairs and our bed had a feather mattress. The house was very small - only five rooms and that included the screened in porch which was in use in the winter weather only to store things to be kept cold. The pump for the water was on the porch too - they didn't have running water. Oh, there was no bathroom, so we had to walk out to the outhouse, past the smoke house and the hen house. It was a one seater.

The floors in the home were wood covered with linoleum and during the winter the floors were very cold. The room upstairs was one long narrow small room. Incase you are a city slicker reading this you probably don't realize when there were no bathrooms or running water you had to carry your enamel potty w/lid with you and sit it somewhere by the bed where you wouldn't spill it. You just didn't want to go outside and find your way to the outhouse in the dark. There were no streetlights or big yard lights on the farm back then. Most people couldn't even afford to put outside lighting.

If you haven't experienced sleeping on a feather mattress then you have missed something unique and special. It's not a good thing in the summer time because it can be horribly hot and humid, but in the winter the feather mattress envelopes around your body and it is the best snuggle insulator on this earth. In the morning, when making the bed, it is necessary to use a wooden broom handle to beat the bed in shape and level it out otherwise it would look lumpy and uneven. The next chore would be to empty the potty.

I loved going to Bob's grandparents home even though there were very few modern conveniences. I remember bathing my baby boys in a big wash basin. I had to pump the water then heat some of the water on the stove - that she did have, they had a propane tank out in the back yard and she did have a gas stove. Her kitchen was small but she could sure cook up a storm. There's no one else on the face of this earth who could make homemade biscuits, fried chicken and fried apples like grandma could. Then in the summer time when she put out a garden I'd help her shell the lima beans, I'm sorry, but there ain't' nothing better than fresh tomatoes and cooked lima beans. And grandma's fried chicken wasn't anything like the stuff you bought in the store, hers was ssooooo good and delicious.

Those times were so precious and special to me. I'm glad I had the opportunity to experience that life never mind the inconveniences because I didn't see those things like that even though I was brought up in the city. It was the simple life and working for what you had and appreciating the peace and quiet of the country.

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