Thursday, August 13, 2009

Twittering and Tweets

I cannot hear the birds twittering this morning although right now there is a hummingbird on the feeder outside my window. I cannot open my window though because the wind is blowing almost fiercely. It is amazing though how the hummers still manage to plant themselves squarely in place to feed at the hummingbird feeders.

Bob had to purchase new feeders a couple of weeks ago because the little finches managed to hang on to the feeders and they were draining the sweet juice from a couple of the hummers feeders. The new feeders are move difficult for the finches to position themselves to drink. This saves Bob some time in between days to fill up. He keeps a bottle of hummer juice made up all the time. He puts the juice in a Margarita bottle which sometimes confuses me. When my brain is dull and I think I need a drink of something stronger than a cup of coffee and I see that bottle of Margarita in the frig, I am caught off guard and for that split second I do get a thrill and think "yum, a glass of margarita that would be perfect right now!" But, then reality creeps back to my lethargic brain and I remember, and think, dang it, it's not the real thing!!!!

The reason I can't hear the birds singing or the whiz of the several hummers zooming by my window back and forth to the feeder is the wind is blowing, not quite full force, but annoyingly enough to be disruptive and too airy to open the window. Also, it is too warm outside and the air conditioner would turn on which would defeat my purpose of opening the window for fresh air. I love it when I can enjoy natures full sound by an open window and feel confined when I can only see to imagine how lovely it might be. Although, I must admit there is something joyous in the movement of the branches and leaves on the trees and magical how the little hummers and other birds seem to hang on for their dear lives as the tree limbs dance vigorously as the wind jostles each branch to and fro.

I have been engrossed in my Twitter twittering twits and tweets lately. The FarmTown has also taken me away - although please don't compare it to a Calgon "Take me away" moment. I've also attempted to pretend to be very busy packing up stuff some permanently and some just put away only to have to bring back out and arrange once again. The painters will be here next Wednesday to paint the walls and ceilings. I'm not having them paint my office where I am now, or the room Kevin and Alex are in - too much stuff to move out, and we need a nesting room while they work - I don't want to leave.

I've taken the family photos off the walls. So many memories in all those photos. I had walls and walls of photos dating back to my grandma's wedding in the early 1900s. I've packed them away permanently, awaiting the day when we do find the real retirement home Bob and I yearn to have - we are feeling so very empty because we cannot come to terms with this. No place seems to fill what we are looking for - yet! Maybe we are not trusting in God enough, maybe our faith has gotten shallow and we're not feeling the depth of His love and protection. I dunno!

But, there you are. I am loving to Twitter, 90% of the Twits are political. I have added Dr. Henry Kissinger and I even have Martha Stewart and M C Hammer too - it is very interesting, exciting and fun, too. I love it! My FarmTown/Facebook is fun too. Bob enjoys the Farm but I have cut back on my time on it since I was getting nothing done for packing or cleaning. My Blogging has been neglected, so that's why I'm here this morning - sort of to bring you up to date on my stuff.

I do hope you are well and healthy. I hope your life has been filled with many blessings and great joy. Take good care and God bless.

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