Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Spirit!

Last night after Alexandra got off school, Kevin and Alex went shopping and paying bills. Like the majority of hotels on the Las Vegas strip, worker's hours are being cut, and Kevin's hours have been cut as well and he's working fewer days so there's less money to spend. Alex needed a hair trim and so did Kevin, so they went to their usual shop for this task. Kevin and Alex came home around 8:30 last night (they live with us) and Alex was so thrilled and excited. She ran right into the living room to show us her new "doo." She looked so beautiful and she was glowing more than usual. Kevin told us that Alex had told the beautician that her mom use to curl her hair all the time. Alex mom and Kevin divorced a year or so ago and Kevin raises Alex and her mom lives away. Alex hasn't had her hair curled and fixed in long time. So, the next thing Kevin realized was Alex was in the beautician's chair again - after her hair trimming. The beautician was curling Alex's hair and told Kevin it wouldn't cost him a dime.

This morning when I checked my mail and saw the photos Kevin had sent via his cellphone, I was so touched and cried. The lady doesn't know how special she made Alex feel and what a great kindness I think she did for our little girl. Alex misses her mom so much, they did a lot of girlie stuff together.

God bless that special lady. There truly are special simple miracles during the Christmas season!
Merry Christmas to all!

1 comment:

Miss Feisty said...

That was very sweet. It really is the small things!

Oh & I tagged you for a meme on my blog :)