Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow watch!

Alias, maybe just maybe by the end of the day there will be snow on the ground. It started spitting sprinkles of snow, on and off, about 11:30 this morning. I yelled with glee sitting outside on the front bench as it started - my oldest son, Don, replying that I needed to get out of the house more often. What does he know about the little things being a thrill! Well, oh my, he was a semi-truck driver and I could understand Why he wouldn't be excited about snow.

It's 12:30 now and coming down a little harder - I am on Snow Watch in between my wifely duties and I will report back as I see results.

Hurrah, I got my wish and it is still snowing since I first posted. It is beautiful out - - but, I don't have to leave the house. There are many road closed in the Las Vegas Valley and roads going south.

Granddaughter Alex and son Kevin had a blast playing out in the snow, throwing snowballs and building the snowman. It is really pretty.

We have two hummingbirds that are hanging around. It isn't unusual since we've seen one or two stay around all year through. I caught some photos of them and will post later.

Regardless of the weather, the trash needs to be put out - rain sleet or snow. There's Bob doing his thing. We have nice rollabout portable covered trashcans here - makes it easier on Bob.
I hope you've enjoyed a couple of my photos.
I hope too you have a nice evening and are keeping warm. We've had lots of "lights out" in some areas. Take good care and God bless.

1 comment:

Call Me Grandma said...

I heard that on the news last night.
Henderson Nevada got 5 inches of snow.
I bet you were dreaming of a white Christmas?????