Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hogs and Indians

This is a developing blog with photos.

I must preclude any written words on this subject by stating that I lose sleep over my developing blogs. There's an idea button in my brain. The reason I know this is every time I lay my head on my pillow at bedtime, my idea button lights up. Any inkling of a sparce of thought of blogging will appear in the forefront and is activated. Unfortunately, there is no off switch for me to toggle one way or the other. This is very annoying because for years I lost sleep when I woke straight up and couldn't go back to sleep then I'd get up for an hour, drink coffee or cocoa, then go back to bed for an hour - this was pre-bloggin days. I'd like to say this is because I am creative and my brain is always on high alert, but I don't buy into that. So, to solve the problem, I may start a blog and that may satisfy my blogging part of my brain so I can have a peaceful noninterrupted rest.

Have a great Saturday. Will be back after my Saturday chores are complete, and we get back from taking granddaughter shopping at Kohl's as promised.

1 comment:

Miss Feisty said...

I am the same way sorta...I have my best ideas once I am in the bed!

What I have decided to do is keep a notepad next to the bed and whenever I think of something I write it down. That way I don't have to get out of bed!


Take care!