Wednesday, December 10, 2008

All I want for Christmas is............

What I wish for Christmas ......................Peace on earth!..........................and a couple other things!

Bob would like a blue Chevy SSR, & I would like a 14" HP 360 gig laptop & Canon Rebel Digital

We've already got the message back from Santa that there is a Recession going on in Santa land and our Christmas wishes are backlogged - - except for the Peace on Earth, which He is working on.

Our last and second most important wish after Peach on Earth is for Tom to be home with us from Iraq to spend Christmas with us, but unfortunately, like so many soldiers, he will be spending the holidays with his buddies protecting our country in a foreign land.
For me, Tom is the Cheer in Jolly, and the Happiness in Merry, he brings Joy whenever he walks into a room and although he doesn't have a "stomach that looks like a bowl full of jello" he laughs and brings cheer where ever he goes. I will really miss him this year - maybe that's why I'm full of Baaa-Humbug right now.
Who wouldn't love a face like that? Can't you tell he's full of vim and vigor. We miss Tom.


Call Me Grandma said...

Now that is a good looking soldier.
Merry Christmas to Tom and all his merry buddies.

Miss Feisty said...

Loved this post!