Friday, May 8, 2009


Yes, it's Friday all day, and the rug man has cometh and goneth! The office/bedroom is ready almost - for our special guest - just the final touches which I'll do next week. Actually, I like that my work area is more compressed and organized - I had/have still lots of stuff to run an office efficiently. When we were caring for Brian I had to do legal work with the court system because we were his legal guardians - that was fun, NOT! I also kept contact with the U. S. Government especially the VA system for his benefits and medical things - lots and lots of paperwork there. Plus the private sector physician and hospitals. After Brian passed away, I took on a home office job. I had worked for this company previously and loved the work. It was very different doing it from home. The people were fabulous and I loved the work as I mentioned. I was very much in mourning for my loss of Brian and having something to do was great therapy. Although the down side was during certain periods like conference time it was very stressful and the work needed to be accomplished in a extremely timely manner. Unfortunately, when Bob retired I decided I should retire also. It was a difficult decision to make but one I don't regret. Bob and I have traveled a lot and I couldn't do that and be faithful to my job.

We're taking some down time this afternoon to let the rugs dry so we're conferencing at the kitchen table accomplishing what we can here.

What are your plans for Mother's Day? We're sort of up in the air right now. Since Soldier Tom and friend Tine isn't coming home until next Thursday and Kevin has picked up an afternoon shift to work, the attendance of the celebration will be slim. Haven't heard from Don, so I don't know if he will be in town. It may be a last minute choice of what to do. I know Suz wants to come over. We'll see.
Bob bought me a beautiful hanging red Fuchia plant. It is very beautiful. He bought me one a very long time ago before I knew anything about plants and of course it croaked! I haven't forgotten about having it. Lowe's had several hanging outside the plant area and when he went to the store the other day I requested one one - he said it was the last. The last time we bought a huge bouquet of fresh cut flowers, Bob found out he was allergic to the bouquet, so I'll gladly settle for a hanging basket of live flowers anyday. How about you?

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